Invitation- Neutron Conference, 3rd of May, 2019, Budapest
'Science, innovation, competitiveness'
Neutrons advance industry
Date: 3rd of May, 2019 9:00-19:00
Venue: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Building “A” (1111 Budapest, Egry József u. 20-22.)
BNC organizes a conference on the 3rd May, 2019, entitled 'Science, innovation, competitiveness', a one-day journey from inspiration to impact, which aims to bring together experts, new-comers, students who have already used, or are potentially interested in utilizing large research infrastructures, in particular neutron techniques available at the Budapest Neutron Centre. The European Union and the Hungarian Government pay special attention to promote innovation and the efficient transfer of scientific results into industrial applications, so improving their economic impact.
Program: Invited lectures will be given about research infrastructures, and various neutron application examples of materials research. Tell us your story. Participants are encouraged to contribute by 15 min oral or poster presentations. Presenters are requested to submit a half-page abstract upon registration or by sending it to theconference email.
Conference language: English (no translation will be provided).
Scope: The European Union and the Hungarian Government pay special attention to promote innovation and the efficient transfer of scientific results into industrial applications, so improving their economic impact. This conference is a one-day journey from inspiration to impact which aims to bring together experts, new-comers, students already using, or potentially interested in utilizing research infrastructures, in particular neutron techniques available at the Budapest Neutron Centre (BNC). Research performed with neutrons lies at the heart of a number of challenges and questions encountered by the modern society. The Budapest Research Reactor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences via its user organisation the BNC – the largest research infrastructure in Hungary - is a significant entity of the European neutron landscape. BNC, the organiser of the Conference, is devoted to applications of neutrons for industry, healthcare and cultural heritage. This one day event on the 3rd May, 2019 is sponsored by the SINE2020 project* (within the framework of H2020), in which BNC is one of the 12 EU partners. The SINE2020 project focuses on industrial partnership, so that the meeting is foreseen as a conference of the university units with strong industry relations.
We hope, this conference will strengthen the partnership between the actors from the academia and the industry and researcher from the Budapest Neutron Center.
Participation: The organizers expect attendees from the academia and industry in Hungary and abroad. Professors and students from universities, as well as managers, experts, engineers from industry are encouraged to actively participate. The conference enjoys strong support and engagement of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology. Participation is free of charge, but registration is required. (The number of attendees is limited to 150)
*SINE2020 receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654000.
Language: English
9:00 Opening -- Ákos Horváth (Director of BNC)
9:15 Introductory lecture – László Rosta (Scientific coordinator, BNC):
Neutron Techniques and the Budapest Neutron Centre
9:45 Invited lecture – Marc Thiry (HZ-Geesthacht, DESY): European Initiative:
Neutrons for Industry – Highlights from the SINE2020 Project *
10:15 Invited lecture – Michel Hübner (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne):
Towards a Pan-European Industry Liaison Officer (ILO) network for Research Infrastructures. Experience from the Swiss ILO Office
10.45 – 11.15 Coffee break
11:15 Invited lecture – László Szentmiklósi (Head, Nuclear Analysis and Radiography Dept., BNC):
Industrial Applications – Highlights from European Neutron Centres
11:35 Invited lecture – Károly Osvay (ELI-ALPS Research Institute):
Laser Induced Neutron Production for Transmutation
11.55 Invited lecture – KPéter Trampus (President, MAROVISZ):
Filling the gap in the NDT quality chain
12.10 – 13:10 Contributed talks – Special applications (including cultural heritage), Synergy of traning-industry-research infrastructures
4 talks, 15 min each
13.15 – 14.15 Lunch
14.15 Invited lecture – István Szabó (vice-president, NRDI Office):
Innovation and Research Infrastructures
14.45 Invited lecture – Massimo Rogante (Rogante Engineering):
Italian Landmark for Industrial Applications
15:15-16:00 Contributed talks – Special applications (including healthcare)
3 talks, 15 min each
16.00 -16.20 Coffee Break
16.20 Cinema: video-clips on neutron applications
16.45 Round-Table discussion – Invited Panel members:
Dr. Belgya Tamás (BNC), Brányik Tibor (TRIGO – TBC), Kilián Csaba (MAGE), Prof. Mészáros István (BMGE), Dr. Szabó István (NKFIH),
Szammer István (Autopro – TBC), Dr. Marc Thiry (HZ-Geesthacht, DESY), Dr. Ujfalussy György (EGIS – TBC).
18.00 Cocktail Free discussions, matchmaking
19:00 End of the Conference
Practical information
Research infrastructures, neutron application examples for materials research will be presented by the invited speakers. Participants are encouraged to contribute by oral or poster presentations. Presenters are requested to submit a half-page abstract. Abstracts can be submitted on the registration page or sent via email to the conference email.
Those arriving from outside Budapest may claim the reimbursement of the travel expenses on the registration form (a limited budget is available).
For those who arrive on the day before the conference, accommodation for one night may be provided in a nearby hotel by the organisers (a limited budget is available). Reimbursement priority will be assigned to lecturers / presenters and attendees who share / distribute the available information on the event.
Further information
BNC web pages:
Sine2020 web pages:
BNC Facebook event to share (in English)
BNC Facebook event to share (in Hungarian)
Registration to the conference: here.
- dr. Baranyai Rózsa, MTA Energiatudományi Kutatóközpont,
- dr. Kun Tibor, Budapesti Neutronközpont,
- dr. Rosta László, MTA Wigner Fizikai Kutatóközpont,
- dr. Bottyán László, Budapesti Neutronközpont,
- dr. Szentmiklósi László, MTA Energiatudományi Kutatóközpont,
- Mr. Varga Attila, Diamond Congress,
Background information
The Budapest Research Reactor (BRR) turned 60 – it went critical for the first time on March 25, 1959. Since then BRR has remained the largest operating Research Infrastructure in the Central-European region. Besides basic research, innovation and technology transfer as well as commercial applications has been always in the focus of BRR’s activities. The Budapest Neutron Centre provides services to applications of neutrons for industry, healthcare, Cultural Heritage (CH) and various other fields with high society impact. Support for the automotive industry, for nuclear and alternative energy research as well as energy saving, pharmacology, food technologies are among the country’s priority areas, where neutrons can make relevant contribution. Some unique features of the neutrons – their non-destructive interaction with matter; their deep penetration into the bulk of components; sensitivity to hydrogen atoms, thus revealing structure of biological matter; their spin to unveil magnetism – make neutron techniques indispensable in complement other scientific methods and ideal for supporting pre-competitive and commercial R&D. They provide unique insights into existing products, help resolve technical uncertainties, validate alternative materials testing tools, so enabling innovation. Neutron research was so far
mostly limited to nuclear reactor sites. For the coming decade a new paradigm is expected: compact accelerator based neutron sources will come into operation. The lower cost and ease in handling these sources will make neutron beam studies much more accessible in industrial and university environment. The first European prototype of such facility is being built in Martonvásár (Hungary).