6th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization
DAMS AND LEVEES – Joint meeting of ISSMGE TC201 and TC210, ICOLD TC E and TC LE
“Internal stability – liquefaction – modelling and experiments - centrifuge and more “
Date: 14h to 16h September 26th 2021
Location: Hungarian Academy of Sciences or Budapest or Budapest Congress Centre
This workshop aims to promote research dissemination of earlier and current research related to damages of dikes and dams and some new river dyke failure modes. Only lecture (with abstract) and lecture with paper (ISC6) are possible options. We expect some of the contributions related to dam and dyke failure modes, experimental testing including centrifuge, and particle movement phenomena (piping, internal erosion, liquefaction, filtering and segregation).
You can read more about the conference, the topics and the exact program in the attached files.